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| AppBar({ Key? key, this.leading, this.automaticallyImplyLeading = true, this.title, this.actions, this.flexibleSpace, this.bottom, this.elevation, this.shadowColor, this.shape, this.backgroundColor, this.foregroundColor, @Deprecated( 'This property is no longer used, please use systemOverlayStyle instead. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v2.4.0-0.0.pre.', ) this.brightness, this.iconTheme, this.actionsIconTheme, @Deprecated( 'This property is no longer used, please use toolbarTextStyle and titleTextStyle instead. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v2.4.0-0.0.pre.', ) this.textTheme, this.primary = true, this.centerTitle, this.excludeHeaderSemantics = false, this.titleSpacing, this.toolbarOpacity = 1.0, this.bottomOpacity = 1.0, this.toolbarHeight, this.leadingWidth, @Deprecated( 'This property is obsolete and is false by default. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v2.4.0-0.0.pre.', ) this.backwardsCompatibility, this.toolbarTextStyle, this.titleTextStyle, this.systemOverlayStyle, })
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| SliverAppBar({ this.leading, this.automaticallyImplyLeading = true, this.title, this.actions, this.flexibleSpace, this.bottom, this.elevation, this.shadowColor, this.forceElevated = false, this.backgroundColor, this.foregroundColor, this.brightness, this.iconTheme, this.actionsIconTheme, this.textTheme, this.primary = true, this.centerTitle, this.excludeHeaderSemantics = false, this.titleSpacing, this.collapsedHeight, this.expandedHeight, this.floating = false, this.pinned = false, this.snap = false, this.stretch = false, this.stretchTriggerOffset = 100.0, this.onStretchTrigger, this.shape, this.toolbarHeight = kToolbarHeight, this.leadingWidth, this.backwardsCompatibility, this.toolbarTextStyle, this.titleTextStyle, this.systemOverlayStyle, });