JavaScriptReactNative React Native 2023-12-24 动画 动画组件 Animated.View 12345Animated.timing(this.state.xPosition, { toValue: 100, easing: Easing.back(), duration: 2000}).start(); 组合动画 parallel(同时执行) sequence(顺序执行) stagger delay 123456789101112131415161718Animated.sequence([ // decay, then spring to start and twirl Animated.decay(position, { // coast to a stop velocity: { x: gestureState.vx, y: gestureState.vy }, // velocity from gesture release deceleration: 0.997 }), Animated.parallel([ // after decay, in parallel: Animated.spring(position, { toValue: { x: 0, y: 0 } // return to start }), Animated.timing(twirl, { // and twirl toValue: 360 }) ])]).start(); // start the sequence group 参考