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python configure.py –sip-module PyQt5.sip –no-tools









python3 configure.py


-h, --help




Normally any warning message generated by sip is treated as an error. This option causes warning messages to be considered non-fatal. It is normally only required if a later version of sip is being used that has deprecated a feature used by this version of PyQt5.


Normally Qt is checked to see if it has been built as shared libraries. Some Linux distributions configure their Qt builds to make this check unreliable. This option ignores the result of the check and assumes that Qt has been built as shared libraries.


pyuic5, pyrcc5 and pylupdate5工具将会安装到的目录。


The C++ source files for a Python module will be concatenated. This results in significantly reduced compilation times. Most, but not all, C++ compilers can handle the large files that result. See also the –concatenate-split option.


If the –concatenate option is used to concatenate the C++ source files then this option determines how many files are created. The default is 1.



contains the configuration of the PyQt5 build to be used instead of dynamically introspecting the system and is typically used when cross-compiling. See Configuring with Configuration Files.



Using this confirms that you accept the terms of the PyQt5 license. If it is omitted then you will be asked for confirmation during configuration.



The dbus-python.h header file of the dbus-python package can be found in the directory/dbus.


The PyQt5 modules will be built with debugging symbols. On Windows configure.py must be run using a debug version of Python.


指定Qt Designer安装目录



The PyQt5 Python package will be installed in the directory. The default is the Python installation’s site-packages directory. If you use this option then the PYTHONPATH environment variable must include.



Normally all PyQt5 modules are enabled and are built if the corresponding Qt library can be found. This option will suppress the check for >. The option may be specified any number of times.



A PyQt5 module may be configured differently depending on the corresponding Qt configuration. This takes the form of a set of features that may be disabled. Normally this is determined automatically. This option will explicitly disable the > feature. The option may be specified any number of times.


Normally all PyQt5 modules are enabled and are built if the corresponding Qt library can be found. Using this option only those modules specifically enabled will be built. The option may be specified any number of times. Note that using this option suppresses the checks that are normally made to determine how the module should be configured, i.e. which features should be disabled.



The license files needed by the commercial version of PyQt5 can be found in the directory.



On Windows the full Python API and the limited API (as used by PyQt) are implemented in different DLLs. Normally the limited DLL is linked (unless a debug version of the Python interpreter is being used to run configure.py). This option forces the full API DLL to be linked instead.


Qt Designer 插件将不会被编译



This disables the creation of the PEP 376 .dist-info directory. Starting with this version a .dist-info directory is created. This contains meta-data about the installation including version information for dependent packages. It also means that pip can be used to uninstall the package.



The PyQt5 modules will not contain automatically generated docstrings.


The Qt support for the standard Python DBus bindings is disabled.


qmlscene 插件不会被编译


The PyQt5.api QScintilla API file is not installed even if QScintilla does appear to be installed.


The .sip files for the PyQt5 modules will not be installed.


New in version 5.6.

The PEP 484 type hint stub files for the PyQt5 modules will not be installed. This option is ignored (and the stub files are not installed) for versions of Python earlier than v3.5.


New in version 5.3.

The pyuic5, pyrcc5 and pylupdate5 tools will not be built.


Normally the header comments of each generated C/C++ source file includes a timestamp corresponding to when the file was generated. This option suppresses the inclusion of the timestamp.


On certain platforms the size of PyQt5 modules can be significantly reduced by redefining the C++ protected keyword as public during compilation. This option enables this behaviour and is the default on Linux and macOS.


The default redefinition of protected to public during compilation on Linux and macOS is disabled.


is the name of the Python interpreter used in the pyuic5 wrapper. The default is platform dependent.


Qt’s qmake program is used to determine how your Qt installation is laid out. Normally qmake is found on your PATH. This option can be used to specify a particular instance of qmake to use.


New in version 5.8.

Enable the QML debugging infrastructure. This should not be enabled in a production environment.


The Python plugin for qmlscene will be installed in the directory.


The PyQt5.api QScintilla API file is installed even if QScintilla does not appear to be installed. This option is implied if the –qsci-api-destdir option is specified.


The QScintilla API file will be installed in the python subdirectory of the api subdirectory of the directory.


New in version 5.6.

A qt.conf file is embedded in the PyQt5.QtCore module with Prefix set to which is assumed to be relative to the directory that the PyQt5.QtCore module will be installed in.


The sip program is used to generate PyQt5’s C++ source code. Normally sip is found on your PATH. This option can be used to specify a particular instance of sip to use.


The sip.h header file can be found in the directory.


The .sip files for the PyQt5 modules will be installed in the directory.


The argument -spec SPEC will be passed to qmake. The default behaviour is platform specific. On Windows configure.py will choose the value that is correct for the version of Python that is being used. (However if you have built Python yourself then you may need to explicitly specify .) On macOS configure.py will try and avoid macx-xcode if possible.)


The PyQt5 modules will be built as static libraries. This is useful when building a custom interpreter with the PyQt5 modules built in to the interpreter.


New in version 5.6.

The PEP 484 type hint stub files for the PyQt5 modules will be installed in the directory. By default they will be stored in the same directory where (by default) the corresponding extension modules would be installed. This option is ignored (and the stub files are not installed) for versions of Python earlier than v3.5.


New in version 5.3.

is the name of an optional directory that replaces sys.prefix in the names of other directories (specifically those specifying where the various PyQt5 components will be installed and where the Python include and library directories can be found). It is typically used when cross-compiling or when building a static version of PyQt5. See Configuring with Configuration Files.


New in version 5.3.

is the major and minor version (e.g. 3.4) of the version of Python being targetted. By default the version of Python being used to run the configure.py script is used. It is typically used when cross-compiling. See Configuring with Configuration Files.


The generated PyQt5 modules contain additional tracing code that is enabled using SIP’s sip.settracemask() function.


Compiler commands and any output issued during configuration is displayed instead of being suppressed. Use this if configure.py is having problems to see what exactly is going wrong.




make install



  • 使用[]来表示一部分的名字
  • 配置的条目为单一的行,用=分开的键值对
  • 在值中可以使用%(name)的方式来嵌套其他的值
  • 注释需要以#开头
  • 空白行被忽略

配置文件通过定义不同的[]部分来使用不同的版本。configure.py将会选择对应的Qt版本。比如,如果配置文件包含Qt v5.1和Qt v5.3,你使用Qt v5.2.1,则会选择Qt v5.1的版本。









# The target Python installation.
py_platform = linux
py_inc_dir = %(sysroot)/usr/include/python%(py_major).%(py_minor)
py_pylib_dir = %(sysroot)/usr/lib/python%(py_major).%(py_minor)/config
py_pylib_lib = python%(py_major).%(py_minor)mu

# The target PyQt installation.
pyqt_module_dir = %(sysroot)/usr/lib/python%(py_major)/dist-packages
pyqt_bin_dir = %(sysroot)/usr/bin
pyqt_sip_dir = %(sysroot)/usr/share/sip/PyQt5
pyuic_interpreter = /usr/bin/python%(py_major).%(py_minor)
pyqt_disabled_features = PyQt_Desktop_OpenGL PyQt_qreal_double

# Qt configuration common to all versions.
qt_shared = True

[Qt 5.1]
pyqt_modules = QtCore QtDBus QtDesigner QtGui QtHelp QtMultimedia
    QtMultimediaWidgets QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtPrintSupport QtQml QtQuick
    QtSensors QtSerialPort QtSql QtSvg QtTest QtWebKit QtWebKitWidgets
    QtWidgets QtXmlPatterns _QOpenGLFunctions_ES2







is set if a debug version of the target Python is being used.


is the target Python include directory, i.e. the directory containing the Python.h file.


is the target Python library directory.


is the target Python interpreter library. It should not include any platform-specific prefix or suffix.


is the space separated list of features (as defined by SIP’s %Feature directive) that should be disabled.


is the target directory where the PyQt5 modules will be installed. It can be overridden by the –destdir option.


is the space separated list of PyQt5 modules that will be built. It can be overridden by the –enable option.


is the name of the target directory where the PyQt5 related executables will be installed. It can be overridden by the –bindir option.


is the name of the target directory where the PyQt5 .sip files will be installed. It can be overridden by the –sipdir option.


is the name of the Python interpreter (as it would be called from the target system) that will be used to run pyuic5. It can be overridden by the –pyuic5-interpreter option.
